Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Day 16: Kathmandu- Koshi Tappu

Kathmandu- Koshi Tappu

With a very long day ahead (nearly 11 hours driving in total) the cars all left extremely early, many even before the crew were up! Yves-Marie in a Mercedes had a problem with over heating only a little way from Kathmandu. This was quickly resolved and didn’t cause any problems later on. The windy but pretty route was only disturbed later by Giancarlo breaking down. Once again with the exhaust muffler causing problems; the welding was not quite done accurately enough! The rest of the drive was pretty uneventful. The 11km was some of the bumpiest roads but all the village children were so friendly always saying ‘hello’ or ‘goodbye’ that the drive was fairly pleasant and very few people complained about the state of the road.

The evening’s accommodation was safari tents. These were very simple but were quite a novelty after the hotels we have stayed in.

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